Event: Organic Fair & Food Festival
Dates: June 28th tNational Conference on Linking Growth Drivers of Food Processing Industries; Market, Retails, Quality with Food Safety and Skills
Date: 24th June, 2013
Venue: Chandigarh
Time: 10:00 am onwards
Organisers: ASSOCHAM in collaboration with the Ministry of Food Processing Industry & their corresponding State nodal departments in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
Kindly visit our brochure link below :-
(website: http://www.assocham.org/events/showevent.php?id=880)
o June 30th
Venue: Indira Gandhi State Sports Complex, The Mall, Shimla
Dept of Agriculture, Govt. of H.P in partnership with ICCOA announces Organic Fair and Food Festival as per the following format.
1. Organic Fair – The fair will have exhibitors from different parts of India representing farmers/producers, companies, inputs suppliers, certification agencies and others.
2. Buyer-Seller meets – The farmers and farmer-groups will be made to meet with buyer for getting market-linkages.
3. Farmers workshop/Conferences
4. Organic Food Festival – Visitors will get to taste the speciality of foods prepared from organic ingredients.
ICCOA requests and invites you to participate in this event. Please see attached participation options.
For more information: Shimla Partner package_2013
Facilitator: Rajni Bakshi
Discussant: Joseph Thomas
Moderator: Shambu Prasad C
Date and Time: June 11, 2013, 1600 – 1800 hrs
Venue: CWS Conference Hall, Street No.1, Tarnaka, Secunderabad
Contact: Joseph (Phone: 087905 35613)
The sharing sessions of Knowledge In Civil Society trust (KICS, www.kicsforum.net) are conversations organised around contemporary themes relevant to KICS’s work to enable learning from each other and contributing to contemporary discourse and ideas on science and democracy. The sessions seek to deepen shared and collective understanding of emerging ideas and themes, and further thinking across sectors and actors to enable greater participation of society in science, technology and innovation
This programme has been designed for those interested in Green Careers or Green Entrepreneurship, for students, researchers, midcareer professionals, teachers and others keen on sustainable living. In a world headed towards climate crisis and social and political conflicts we need to re-envision economics, technology and science which are aware of ecological realities. This programme aims at bringing to its participants the best work on these issues from around the world and uses them meaningfully with committed facilitators and innovative and creative methods.
www.bhoomicollege.org / www.bhoomimagazine.org
Admissions Information:
For a detailed free e-brochure and application form contact:
[email protected] or write to:
The administrator, The Bhoomi College, at the address given below:
The Bhoomi College
No. 40, Chikkanayakanahalli,
Off Doddakaneli, Sarjapura Rd, Bangalore- 560 035
Phone: 080 28441173 / 094498 53834
Hosting a workshop on domestic production of Compost culture (compost tumbler technology) sponsored by NABARD
Date: 9th June 2013 (11:00 am – 3:00 pm)
Venue: Syamantak, Dhamapur (Malvan).
For details and registration Contact: Sachin Desai 94041-64945
Date: Sunday, 9th June 2013, 9:30 AM
Venue: Kisan Bhawan , Chandigarh
Discussion on: Draft Agriculture Policy for Punjab State
Kheti Virasat Mission in collaboration with Bhartiya Kisan Union-Ekta Sidhupur is organising a Public Discussion on Draft Agriculture Policy to chalk out a common strategy.
All pro-farmer, pro-people and pro-nature groups and individuals are invited in this dialogue.
Please confirm your participation.
Contact: Umendra Dutt
Executive Director
Kheti Virasat Mission
Date: May 29th, 2013
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 p.m.
For more information: Competition Guidelines, Criteria & Prizes
Workshop on Environmental Journalism and Writing, 2013
Date: May 24, 25, 25 2013.
Venue: Nedunchzhiyan Hall, (Salom mandapam), Daana Vilakku, Paapanasam, Foothills of
Pothigai, Tirunelveli.
For registration/Payment:
Rajaram 9894310997
Tirunelvel Kanchanai Mani – 9443087072
Satish – 9942505394
Nambi – 9092481997
Dr Michael 9842166097
ICCOA ( International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture) announces the 5th exhibition of BioFach India together with India Organic 2013.
Venue: Bangalore
Date: Nov 14 – 16, 2013
Show Brochure: Click Here
Contact: Ms. Priya Sharma at + 91 11 47168830 or Email [email protected]
Date: 18th – 21st May 2013
Time: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Venue: Akkana Balaga, Opp Women’s College, J.C. Nagar, Hubli
Sale of chemical free organic foods – to eat or take away
Display and sale of Traditional Seed Varieties of various crops & plants
Posters, photographs, books, ecological products, traditional arts & crafts
Contact: Sahaja Organics ; [email protected]; 8050279980
Other than the training on Rice landrace characterisation in Odisha that OFAI is organising, there is a 2nd training during that time (22-23rd of June) ONLY for farmers. It will be to enable ordinary farmers to maintain genetic purity of rice landraces, by roguing of off-types. It is a unique opportunity for all of us to send our farmers for this training to learn the forgotten farmer knowledge from the expert on Rice conservation Dr. Debal Deb, who has him learnt from traditional farmers.
Date:22-23rd of June ONLY for farmers.
Objective: To enable ordinary farmers to maintain genetic purity of rice landraces, by rouging of off-types.
Module: Training to be given in three phases – at three life history stages of the rice plant, namely:
2 DAY during the Sowing stage (June).
5 DAYS around the Flowering stage (August-September).
5 DAYS around the Harvesting stage (December).
Total: 12 days.
Subject of training: Assessment of 8 morphological characteristics that are essential to distinguishing pure lines from off-types.
Instruments: Hand lenses, measuring tapes, Graph papers, Bamboo microscope: to be provided by trainers.
Optimal number of trainees: 25 (off-campus accommodation)
Contact: Shamika Mone, Researcher, OFAI – 08888862293
Date: Saturday, May 4th 2013,
Time: 8 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
Venue: Green Souls Urban Farm, St. Judes, Tata Hospital, Kharghar
Host: Mr. Julius Rego
Session includes:
• Introduction to Green Souls Urban Farm
• Basics of soil ecology
• How to grow a healthy kitchen garden
• Making raised beds – practical session
• Mulching – practical session
• Making a pot mixture – practical demo session
• Kitchen Waste Composting (Demo)
• Q&A session
Things to bring:
• An empty 2 lt plastic bottle to re-use,
• An empty pot (optional).
• Carry a hat, sunglasses, a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes & shoes!
To register:
Call: 9870113541 / 9821327758
Email: greensoulsmumbai@gmail.
Green Souls Urban Farm*
St. Jude India ChildCare Centre
TATA Memorial Hospital (ACTREC), Near Golf Course, Sector 22,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410210
Minimum Contribution: *Rs 500/-
* Your donation will go towards the expansion and upkeep of the organic farm at St Jude’s. The farm aims to provide wholesome pesticide-free vegetables and fruits to the children undergoing cancer treatment at the shelter.
Green Souls is a group promoting and practicing organic farming in Navi Mumbai. We are a budding community of volunteers involved in learning & sharing how to grow one’s own food using natural techniques. This is achieved through, workshops, school programmes, helping people set-up kitchen gardens and volunteering opportunities at our model farms (Kharghar & Airoli).
Date: 3rd May (Friday), 2013
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Venue: Deputy Speaker Hall, Constitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.
Organisers: The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT)
Contact: G.Manicandan Coordinator, Forum Against FTAs. At Cell No.09868319261
Purpose: This event is being organized in the backdrop of concerns raised by the Parliamentary Standing Committees on Commerce, and, Agriculture, on the process and content of the EU India FTA which is in the final stage of negotiations and is apparently to be concluded by June. The event is an attempt to consolidate the political fraternity on this issue and to appeal for a strong expression of their opposition to this FTA.
Date: May 12, 2013
Address: Sheetal School, Lakhanmajra (Rohtak)
Time: 9 a.m.
Purpose: Focus on crop diversification
Contact : Rajinder Chaudhary 9416182061
Dates: 20th to 25th May 2013
Venue: Bhoomi Campus, Bangalore
About this programme:
This programme invites you to spend 6 days to reflect, explore and understand our perceptions of our inner and outer ecology; we believe that learning from living, sharing and connecting in small groups (not more than 15) can replenish us as well as transform the way we can build expanding communities that can live responsibly on ‘Gaia’, our living Earth.
Facilitators: Seetha Ananthasivan is committed to working simultaneously with self-exploration and ecological issues and has been a facilitator for personal and institutional growth for over 3 decades. She is a founder trustee of Aastha Foundation, an institution dedicated to culture building and personal growth. She is also the Executive Trustee of Bhoomi College and Prakriya Green Wisdom School.
Rema Kumar, Director, Prakriya Green Wisdom School, has been a facilitator in human processes with Aastha Foundation for about a decade. She is passionate about meaningful learning-teaching processes and conducts programmes on creative teaching, self-exploration and eco-projects.
Santhilakshmi, Director Programmes, Bhoomi College, is keen on working with inner and outer nature through food in particular and has been an anchor for Bhoomi Programmes and events
Charges for Hospitality: This is a 6 day compulsorily residential programme – the cost of food and the room on twin sharing basis will be Rs. 500/- per person per day.
Programme Fees: The fee for the programmes is Rs. 4000/- per person. Bhoomi College is an NGO that uses all the fees collected towards its research and educational programmes. However, you may pay what you wish …. It is more important that you are interested in building earth consciousness and living sustainably.
Contact: Santhi or Bhavani at [email protected] or call 080 28441173 or 09449853834
Please register on or before 10th May 2013.
Date: 29th April 29, 2013
For more details: Click Here
Contact: 7874493382
Gujarat Institute of Competitiveness / Global Network Institute
1001/1002, Safal Prelude, Prahladnagar Corporate Road,
Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad – 380015 (GUJ) India
Tele : 079 40324827/40324828 | Fax : 079 40321620 | Email : [email protected]
Date: 27-28th April 2013
Day 1: 27 April 2013 Seed Festival
Venue: Panasavalasa, Sovva, Dumbriguda, Araku
Day 2: 28 April 2013 (10.30 am to 4.00 pm)
Workshop on ‘Linking Organic producers to the Markets’
Venue: Guest House, Araku
Venue Route Info: Visakhapatnam àAruku (115Kms) Aruku àKilloguda (6kms), Killoguda àSagara (3Kms), Sagara àTikkilibedda (5Km), Tikkilibedda àDevudu Valasa (8kms), Devudu Valasa àPanasavalasa via Odiya Valasa, Malevalasa (3kms)
Sanjeevini – community-led organization focused on building an equitable society for under-privileged rural and tribal communities, and preservation of traditional seed varieties of tribal’s. It core objective is to achieve social justice for tribal communities and sustainable management of natural resources. Mr. Devullu is the founder and Chief Functionary of the organization. It is organizing the seed festival since 2005. This being the ninth festival organized at Panasavalasa in Sovva Panchayat, Dumbriguda mandal, Visakhapatnam.
ASHA (Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture) – is a large, nation-wide informal network of more than 400 organizations drawn from 20 states of India, that have come together in 2010 to organize a, Kisan Swaraj Yatra a nation-wide mobilization to draw attention to issues pertaining to our FOOD, FARMERS, FREEDOM. The four pillars of Kisan Swaraj are income security for farmers ecological sustainability of agriculture; people’s control over agricultural resources like land, water and seed; and access to safe, healthy, sufficient food for all.
Features of the fest
Rich display of more than 1000 varieties of traditional crops & seeds of tribal’s and farmers.
One from the participating thirty villages will win a prize for exhibiting highest number of seeds
Festival magnetizes the following activity followed by traditional way of celebration with tribal songs and dance.
‘Workshop on Formation of Organic food chain and marketing initiatives’ has been organized to engage and adept the participants working within the sphere of organic agriculture to capture the market opportunities. Traditional seeds, organic products, medicinal herbs, forest produces and craft items will be put for sale.
Contact for further information
Devullu – +91 9440119789, 98449205469
Deepa – +91 9440633063
Krishna Prasad – 9880862058
Invite_Seed Festival-2013-Sanjeevani-T
Date: 23rd april 2013, 5.00 pm
Venue – Press club, statue, thiruvananthapuram
Objective : In search of our lost rice seeds travels through the work of some of the traditional paddy seed savers in the three states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Through their voices, and the voices of scientists, farmers and environmentalists, the film traces the destruction of the agro-biodiversity as well as knowledge systems that has eventually led to the crisis faced by farmers in India. It ends with a warning, and also hopes for the future.
Contact: Save our Rice Campaign
c/o Thanal, OD-3, Jawahar nagar, Kawdiar,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695003
Ph : 2727150, Mob: 09995358205
Date: April 26 to 28, 2013.
Time: 9am to 8pm
Opening : 5 pm on 26th April 2013
Venue – Vinoba Vichar Kendra (Sarvodaya Ashram), Near Bhole Petrol Pump, Amravati Road Dharampeth, Nagpur (3 km away at west from Rly. Station. And 1 km from Maharaja bag Gate.)
Contact – Dr. Satish Gogulavar 09422123016 Vasant Futane 07229-202147 / 238171 Yogini Dolake 09326585234 Atul Upadhyay 09372395117
For more information: Click here
Date: 30th April
Venue: Sambalpur District auditorium
For futher information contact: Saroj 08895157066
A three protest programme will be organised against neglected farmers on both state and central budget.
Trainer: Mr. Subhash Palekar
Dates: 25th & 26th of May 2013.
Venue: Aadhirengam ( near Thiruthirapoondi, Tamilnadu).
Organisers: ‘HABITAT’ Baghpur, Jhajjar, Haryana
Objective: sharing of seeds, knowledge related to traditional seeds and cultivation etc. Please inform who will be coming as accommodation will be arranged.
Information on seed conservation: Click Here
Date: September 9-11, 2013
Venue: Mahatma Mandir Gandhinagar Gujarat, India.
Website: www.agritechasia.com
Objectives of the conference:
Agritech Asia is the most comprehensive forum where international agriculture and water industry executives, academia, institutional investors, venture capitalists, analysts, and other experts will have the opportunity to shape the future collaboration landscape of agricultural technology.
150,000 visitors from Asia, Europe, North America, and the Middle East
150+ exhibiting companies
400 conference participants
Seminar on “Innovative Agro-technologies “featuring leading Israeli experts and presentations by top Israeli companies
Contact: Kenes Exhibitions Tel: +972 3 9727925, Fax: +972 3 9727588
Email: [email protected]
Radeecal Communications
Tel: +91 99740 09653 / +91 79 2215 1080
Email: [email protected]